

Nick has written an extensive range of research guides and books about aspects of history from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries. Here are a list of his main publications:

Tracing the History of your House (2nd edition) (2006)

The Family Detective (2006)

Who Do You Think You Are: Discovering the Heroes and Villains in your Family (2006 with Dan Waddell)

Who Do You Think You Are: Trace your Family History back to the Tudors (2006 with Anton Gill)

Who Do You Think You Are: Encyclopedia of Genealogy (2008)

Researching Your Family History Online for Dummies (2009)

Nick Barratt's Guide to your Ancestors' Lives (2010)

Lost Voices from the Titanic (2010)

Greater London: the Story of the Suburbs (2012)

The Forgotten Spy (2015)

The Restless Kings (2018)

For a full list of Nick’s academic articles or for more information about other writing projects (such as company histories) please go to the contacts page where you can request further information.


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